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Tuesday, March 30, 2021
11 a.m. CDT
Please join us for our North American Severe Weather Outlook webinar, where we’ll release our long-range forecast with regional outlooks and discuss the expected meteorological impacts. 

You will get:

  • A recap of the winter season
  • A detailed spring forecast 
  • A glimpse of the forecast’s operational impacts with a focus on transportation, aviation, and utilities

Bring your questions — there will be a live Q&A session at the end of the presentation.

A special bonus
If you register now, you’ll receive our new North American severe weather outlook infographic after the live event. 
Our Presenters
Jeff Johnson
Certified Consulting
Meteorologist (CCM)
Stephen Strum
Vice president of
forecast services
Nathan Hamblin
Long-range team lead
Benjamin Hershey
Strategic product
manager, transportation
Nic Wilson
Strategic product
manager, utilities
Wesley Hyduke
Senior product
manager, aviation 

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