Weather Risk Innovation:
Weather Intelligence and the Power Grid
18 April 2024  |   2 p.m. GMT / 3 p.m. CET

Discover what many U.S. utilities have been utilising to reduce outage times and to plan restoration resources sooner than ever before. 

Introducing Storm Risk from DTN®. Join us for eye-opening, information-rich webinar to discover an innovative data-based predictive solution—designed specifically for utilities. 

The Storm Risk suite combines real-time weather-based data with non-weather data including vegetation and utility asset infrastructure utilising machine learning to assess power outage risks.
Tune in to discover:
  • The impact of climate change and weather extremes for utilities
  • What are the challenges for utilities?
  • Grid and asset resilience: leveraging predictive analysis
  • The role of technology: how machine learning and AI helps mitigate the impact of severe weather
  • How can DTN help proactively address energy outages?
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Meet the DTN presenters
Speaker headshot
Peter Spruijt
Lead Direct Sales Representative
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Willy Zittersteijn
Senior Solutions Engineer 
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Nic Wilson
Director of Product Development
Speaker headshot
Paul Knightley
Head of Meteorological Consultancy
2131 Lindau Lane, Ste. 700, Bloomington, MN 55425
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